Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dance, Dance, Dance

Everyone wants to find their "thing," well dance is mine. From the time I was three, dance has been a part of my life. It has been a constant whether I was a student, competitor, performer, assistant, team member, captain, teacher, or coach. Because of dance, I became closer with my family, met my best friend, and connected me with people I never would have otherwise. It helped shape me and opened doors and opportunities beyond what I thought possible. Dance taught me determination, perseverance, and inner-strength. Dance gave me success, but it also gave me the chance to fail. Dance gave me passion. I was never the best or the brightest, but I loved it and when I had an opportunity I wanted to pass it on.

God gave me two little girls. I get to give them dance.

 Isabel started her first dance class last week! I was very nervous as it could have been disastrous. Refusal to go in the classroom, tears, peeling limbs off. You get the picture. Fortunately, it went much better than that. I did have to start the class with her, which I did not want to do, but she was not going to let go of my fingers and there were a couple other moms in the room as well. After she just sat there doing nothing while I very clumsily attempted to stretch with "Ms. Puffy", I asked her if she wanted mom to leave and she gave me a look that very clearly stated, "Get out mom, you are embarrassing me!" Once I left, she started doing what the teacher told her to do and really enjoying herself like I knew she would. At the end of class, she got a stamp and sticker, which solidified her fun and decided she would go back again.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh she's getting so big already! Those pigtails and that dress - adorable! Great post!!
