Sunday, December 5, 2010

8 Months

In the last week in a half, we have been very busy here in the Mousel household. We celebrated Thanksgiving, started the Christmas season with a few parties, and we marked another month older of our Isabel. I have been updating on Isabel's milestones all month so no need to go into details, but here is a quick list of things Isabel has been up to this month:

* Crawling
* Eating table food like pasta, mac and cheese, hot dish, waffles, eggs, bread, soup, sweet potatoes, dressing/stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, brownies, reindeer shaped peeps...she will basically eat anything we have given her. Let's hope she continues on this path of being a good eater.
* Consistently taking at least one nap, but many days two, and sleeping usually from 7:30pm-6:30am normally getting up once for a bottle between 4:30 and 6:30.
* When she wants to, she will chatter up a storm, but it is not all that often. Her new words/sounds started with pa-pa, but now says many different sounds not favoring one over another. I will admit though she says 'da-dee' pretty regularly.
* The newest trick Isabel has enjoyed is pulling herself up. She started over Thanksgiving and has not let up.
* She still is a very social girl, and doesn't mind being held by anyone unless she is tired.
* Isabel has made the switch from her infant car seat to the upright toddler car seat.
* We have been noticing lately Isabel's hand preference. She definitely favors her left hand, most notably when she is eating.

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving seemed to come and go all too quickly this year, but we were very busy. Isabel enjoyed her first Thanksgiving with both mommy and daddy's side. On Thanksgiving Day, we went to Grandma and Grandpa Hoen's for her first Thanksgiving meal. She had a full plate of typical Thanksgiving cuisine (minus the turkey) and loved it all! On Thanksgiving night, Isabel got ready for bed, was fastened into the carseat and was off to Iowa to Grandma and Grandpa Mousel's house for the rest of the weekend. While down in Iowa, Isabel got to visit with Auntie Amy, Great Grandma and Grandpa Roder, Uncles Tag and JP, Aunties Joanie and Suzie, and cousins Sarah, Megan, Tori, and Cameron. Isabel was a champ during our visit: she slept well, ate well, and loved much.

Thanksgiving Outfit...Isabel rocking the tights for the first time!

Riding on the rocking horse that Papa Arlen resurrected.

Being silly with Auntie Amy and Grandma Mousel

Relaxing with Papa Mousel

Enjoying time with Great-Grandma Roder

Isabel opening her first Christmas present with Great Auntie Suzie

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