Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Record Setter

Unless you have been living under a rock, and with the temperatures lately I hope it is a warm rock, you are aware that we had a blizzard last Saturday. That's right a blizzard, not snowmageddon, or a snownami or any other ridiculous pet name that obnoxious TV meteorologists call anything over a half inch of snow lately. You would think living in a place known world-wide for the cold and snow we get in the winter, that meteorologists and residents of this state would know how to handle a one-day blizzard without coming up with annoying pseudonyms and clearing the grocery store of every last piece of food. Rant over, that felt good.

We got 21" of snow in Shakopee making us the winner of the Golden Shovel for most snowfall of the blizzard. That makes approximately 32" of snow in the past week. I think it is safe to say that we are going to have a white Christmas. Twenty-one inches is without a doubt the most snow I have seen in a 24-hour period. I think we got 36" in Denver while I lived there, but that was over a 3 day period. As Kati mentioned, we have all seen pictures of when we were younger standing next to enormous drifts of snow, but it is hard to remember actually experiencing those snow storms. Well, now Isabel will have those pictures as well.

The Carnage

The Yeti

The Day After, Whew We Survived

Isabel's First Sled Ride


  1. Even with all the work of a Golden Shovel, I'm still jealous! She's a cutie even when all bundled up. Weee!

  2. Love it, love it! I magnified Isabel's face and she is just rosy and grinning from ear to ear. So much fun!!! Gramma M

  3. So glad you guys survived the storm - it looks like Isabel was very brave :)
