Monday, December 27, 2010

A Month of Christmas

It seems like we have been celebrating Christmas for a month now, but it is unbelievable that it is all over already and 2011 is just around the corner. Here is a photo journey of Isabel's first Christmas. (Click each collage for a bigger view)

It all started with the Annual Bennie Christmas Party on December 4th

Followed by the Roder Christmas in Iowa the weekend of Dec 18

Which wasn't to be outdone be the Hoen Family Christmas on Christmas Eve

(Family picture lovingly stolen from Kerri)

Isabel was up early Christmas morning to see what Santa brought

Followed by a short break for a photo shoot by our neighbor Linda Sue

And then the spoiling continued with the Mousel Family on Christmas afternoon

It has been a crazy month and we are all taking this week to recover, but from our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

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