Sunday, January 2, 2011

9 Months

Isabel is now nine months and as fun as ever! She continues to grow and develop new little talents each day. We love watching her explore the world around her and test her limits.

A couple big changes we have seen this month are pulling herself up, controlling her sitting from the standing position, attempting to stand minus support, and hanging out playing on her knees (she does a bounce when she sits on her knees that is too cute). Once Isabel figured out how to pull herself up we just watched her as she tested her balance. At the beginning of the month, she wibbled and wobbled like a drunken sailor, but now she stands confidently often with one arm holding on to something for support. She has even attempted to stand without holding onto anything...her current record is 2 seconds. :)

Besides moving and shaking, Isabel has been busy growing...teeth, that is! All four top teeth have cut through over the course of the month. With those teeth, she is still busy eating everything we give her. Her newest foods include yogurt and cottage cheese. She also loved Auntie Amy's raspberry cheesecake on Christmas.

Nine months also brought a wellness check-up from the doctor. Isabel is doing great and has been given the okay to eat anything and everything except real honey. So we have been giving her milk with her meals in addition to formula a few times a day (morning, night, and usually one more around mid- to late morning).

Her current stats for 9 months are:
Weight: 20lbs 2oz (75%)
Length: 28.5in (80%)
Head: 17in (25%)

We were thinking that this would be a shot-free visit, but Isabel had to get a flu booster. Handling it like a champ would be an understatement, Isabel did not cry, fuss, or even make a peep. We were all very impressed!

So one more 9 month update...if you did not notice it in the pictures above go back up and look closer. Did you see it? Yep, Isabel got her ears pierced!! Godmother Kerri wanted to give Isabel something extra special for Christmas (besides the super cute leg warmers Isabel is sporting in the photos above), and so on Thursday, December 30th we headed out to get her ears pierced. Isabel was a little more upset with these "shots" than the ones at the doctor's office, but the pain did not seem to last long (very little a bottle can't cure), plus she had lots of support with Mommy, Daddy, Auntie Kerri, cousin Josie, cousin Elias, Grandma Brenda, and Papa Arlen there cheering her on. Mommy and Daddy were surprised that she sat still and let Auntie Kerri hold her arms and head in place. After all was said and done, Daddy commented that he wasn't too sure about the whole thing, but she does look awfully cute with little silver balls in her ears. I agree!


  1. Seriously love all the photos! Yes, even the one where I look as I am anticipating a piercing in my own ears.

    She was such a good trooper and now she looks even cuter than she already was.

  2. That may be my favorite picture!

  3. Ok, I love the picture with that pink hat in! That one is my favorite 9month old picture!
