Sunday, January 9, 2011


On Saturday, we had some extra time in the morning so Butter and I were sitting around watching Isabel play with her toys when Butter turned the TV on. After aimless surfing, he threw the remote to me indicating I could choose something to watch. I have a very generous husband. I replied with, "I didn't turn on the TV so you can find something you want to watch or turn it off," and tossed the remote gently back. Apparently, Butter isn't as quick as he used to be; he did not catch the remote so it hit him right smack in the, Buckling over in pain onto the floor, Isabel thought her dad was playing a game so she went to join him.

Too funny!


  1. sorry, Bud....but that is PRICELESS!!! Mom and Dad

  2. :)

    She was definately making the best of the situation.

  3. Butter's pain is our, and Isabel's, entertainment!
