Friday, February 18, 2011

15 Days

If you asked Kati and I what the two biggest things we dislike about our house the answer would unquestionably be 1) our kitchen and 2) our 1 bathroom. Well, we have decided to do something about the kitchen.

Around Christmas time, Kati and I spent around 8 hours at Menards, with the Jekyll and Hyde employees of the cabinet department, designing a new layout of cabinets and countertops for our kitchen. Why Jekyll and Hyde? Because one minute they offer adequate customer service, the next it seemed like they were pushing us out the door.

It was a painful process, but we came up with a pretty cool design and we started counting down the days until we could say goodbye for good to our god-awful kitchen.

What made our kitchen so bad? I am glad you asked, let me show you a few of the reasons.

Notice a common color?

Lots more white, but little counter space.

Not sure what we are supposed to do with that corner cabinet...

A large empty wall...

As bad as these pictures are, you can't see the worst part. Whenever we would open one of our drawers, the cabinet right below it would magically, or maddeningly, open as well. In addition to that fun little trick we also had several cabinets that simply wouldn't stay shut. If you look closely at picture #1 and #2 you will see some of Kati's hair binders keeping our cabinets shut... Words can't explain how much we disliked our kitchen.

15 days ago we got word that our cabinets were in. Let the demo begin!

Well, things haven't gone exactly as planned. 15 days later we are without a completed kitchen. We have gone over two weeks without a kitchen sink, the only other sink in the house is the bathroom sink. We have gone over two weeks without a meal cooked in our house. We have gone over two weeks with our house in complete disarray. 15 days...and counting...


  1. That's HUGE Mousels! Good luck and the efforts will be all worth it! Like the image of Isabel hanging among the construction.

  2. I'm soooooo jealous you're getting a new kitchen! With all the family help I know it's going to be beautiful. Can't wait for the 'after' pics!
