Sunday, February 13, 2011

Should I Be Worried?

I never know what to expect when I pick up Isabel at daycare. Barbie tells me she uses a bib, but I just don't know.

Am I worried about this? No, this was just too funny not to share. I had planned on running a few errands that day, but decided against it as people might think she was part of a crime scene.

I was worried, though, when I picked her up last Thursday. Barb asked if I knew whether Isabel was running a temp by just feeling her. Of course, I said no because she has never run one before. When I looked at Isabel, though, I knew something was not right. Her eyes were very glossy and lost looking, her head was very warm (not her cheeks, though), and she took a 3 hour nap earlier in the day. Isabel has never in all of her 10 months taken a three hour nap unless we happen to be in the car. Needless to say, a visit to the doctor confirmed our little girl was sick. Other than a cough and running nose, Isabel's first bout of sickness is pneumonia. Poor girl. She has been very subdued for the most part and actually sleeping lots. Getting spurts of energy here and there, the amoxicillan seems to be doing its job with no severe side effects yet. Isabel has handled being sick like a champ; however, apparently she gave the chest x-ray tech a run for his money. "She is really strong"...yeah, tell us about it!

Here are a few extra pictures just because I am fooling around with Picasa waiting for my sleeping beauties to wake up this morning. Butter is normally the one who creates the collages, but since I have some extra time right now I figure I better take advantage of it!

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