Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome Back, Summer!

Ah, Memorial Day...the unofficial start of summer. Even though the weather has not been the most cooperative, I have made the transition to summer so much so that I forgot I have two more days of school.

Over Memorial Day Weekend, we made the first trip to the cabin to put the docks and lifts in and just open everything up for the summer. I do very little to help with the docks and lifts, by the way...and by very little, I mean nothing, but I am there to watch it all and interject my opinion when unsolicited.

We got there on Friday night around 10pm and Isabel slept an entire 1/2 hour the whole way up so I thought she would just fall right asleep when we got there. Um, not so much. She was ready to play and play and 12:30am Butter decided it was time for a car ride. In all of our sleepless nights, we have never done the midnight car ride, but it did the trick. Well, at least until 6:55am...yeah, that is all she slept. Poor girl is still teething...those bottom molars trying to break through are making her gums look like mountains! So even yet today, Isabel is still catching up on her sleep.

It was terribly windy on Saturday, but the sun was shining most of the day so Butter and Isabel took a little cat nap while soaking up the much needed Vitamin D. Later, Ethan and I joined them. We headed out fairly early on Sunday as it was overcast and drizzling on and off. So not too much time spent, but it gave me enough to taste the summer and I am ready!

If you ever check up on my sister, Kassi, on her blog through ours, you will see she is still 37 weeks pregnant. Actually not, she had her precious little boy, Ethan Arlen, over 2 months ago, but refuses to update her blog. No excuses, Kassi, no excuses. Since she was in Chicago for a wedding this past weekend, Ethan made his first trip to the cabin with Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle James. Being the awesome aunt and uncle that we are, I have included some photos of Ethan from his first trip to Lake Miltona. Just a side note, at two months he sleeps WAY better than Isabel does now at 14 months!

When you tell Isabel to give a kiss she puts her cheek up to the person thinking she is getting a kiss. You can see her doing this twice with Ethan in the photos above. Too cute!

We are not doing monthly updates anymore, but I wanted to record a couple things. Right now, Isabel loves sitting on everything that is at her level. See the photos in the "so very, very busy" collage for proof. And Isabel now has three words she says with association! Her first word would have to be ball...she loves them! The other two are dada and papa...I am apparently not trying hard enough!

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