Monday, May 9, 2011

Baseball Games, Golden Egg, Walks & First Bike Rides

It is no secret that this winter and spring have been long, cold and frustrating. Despite that, we have been able to make it outside a little bit and have taken in some more firsts for Isabel.

Isabel went to her first Twins game on April 23rd against the Indians. We purchased tickets through the MS Society which allowed us to parade around the warning track of Target Field before the game. It was a pretty cool view. The weather was not ideal, cloudy and cold, much like the rest of spring. However, Isabel must have brought the Twins some luck, as they pulled off a minor miracle and actually won. There haven't been too many W's so far this year. It was fun to make it to a game and hopefully we will make it to a couple more this year.

The Easter bunny found us the next day and left Isabel a basket full of goodies (her Papa Arlen sweetly made her a basket like her momma had growing up). Isabel's sweet tooth is still in full gear as she happily devoured her peeps and chocolate bunny.

In the afternoon we celebrated at Kerri's house with good food, good beer and a big Easter Egg hunt for the kids. Each grandchild was able to hunt for colored eggs with the grand prize being the golden egg. Can you guess who found it?

And what was in the elusive Golden Egg? A crisp $2 bill!

Isabel gets more and more confident walking every day and I think we can now officially call her a walker. This past weekend she made great progress and she now looks to walk before crawl. She is also able to stand up without pulling herself up on anything. The drunken sailor wobble is leaving and she is taking steps with more and more confidence every day. She should be running by next week...

And last but not least, Isabel got out for her first Strider ride this weekend. She is just a little bit short for it yet, but she loved being pushed around on it. She should be ready to do her own pushing sometime this summer.

Until next time!


  1. Go Isabel!!! We are pleased to have witnessed some of these 1sts. Can't wait for more. xoxo
    Papa and Gramma M
