Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bows, Helmets, and Aprons

From Bows to Helmets to Aprons our little Bella-roo is as busy as ever and keeps us on our toes toes!

Isabel loves going into the bathroom to find headbands and rarely leaves them for very long but this particular morning let me put all kinds of "pretties" in to jazz up her pj's.

Seriously, could the girl be any more in love with her daddy?! She loves wearing her helmet at all times. Watch out, she will make you put yours on too if she knows where it is at...believe me, I know.

We thought the spice rack cabinet was such a good idea...

But when she is in an apron and "pearls", who could get mad at the spice rack?! Apparently, we did not have what she needed to make dinner so now it is back to the drawing board.

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