Wednesday, July 13, 2011

15 Months

After a long and wonderful vacation at the cabin, we have returned with some catching up to do. I guess the laundry and grocery shopping can wait...

Right before we left Isabel had her 15 month wellness check is doing "ridiculously fine" as the doctor put it. Her stats at 15 months are as follows:

Weight: 24lbs 4oz (75th percentile)
Height: 30 3/4in (70th percentile)
Head: 17 3/4in (40th percentile!!)

She had to get three shots and did pretty well. A bruise showed up where the second shot was given the next day which is why I think she started screaming after the second shot was administered. No side-effects other than the bruise. The good news, though, is at her 18 month she will get her Hep A booster (and the flu shot if available at the time) then be done with immunizations until Kindergarten (other than yearly flu shots). Yay!

Isabel is walking and running around like crazy. She loves going down slides and swinging. All four eye teeth have broken through or seem to be on the verge of coming through (I cannot wait for teething to be done...such a cruel process). We are so happy that Isabel is such a good eater...we have yet to find anything she refuses to eat (knock on wood). One night we made salmon and asparagus, guess who ate three helpings?! And she is a rockstar with the spoon.

Isabel is really communicating well. We have been working with her on her signing and she currently signs please, thank you, more, and all done. Occasionally, she has signed mom. Words in her vocabulary include ball, papa, mama, dada, this, bye-bye, yes, and we are starting to hear please. She understands what no means in sign and spoken...I just hope we don't start getting that back from her anytime soon! She loves giving hugs and kisses, and I love how she will give those unprompted, too.

So from Isabel to you...hugs and kisses!

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