Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cabin Vacation - July 2011

There is nothing like a Minnesota summer cabin vacation. Isabel and I were fortunate enough to spend over a week and half at the cabin on Lake Miltona while Butter joined us for extended weekends on the front and back ends. We had spectacular weather (not just considering the weather we have had this season)...sunny, mid-70s to mid-80s, only rained twice (both times around 6pm so not one day was a rain-out), and very mild winds. We spent our days playing outside, swimming, boating, fishing, napping, reading, and eating well. It was so relaxing, filled with family, and fun...not much more you could ask for!

Mom ordered some Chinese Lanterns, which would have been super cool, however, we ran into two snags. On attempt one, the wind had picked up a little too much and the second attempt the mosquitoes decided it was time to feast! We got a few to take off and those were pretty awesome to watch, but we might have to try another time and see if we can get all 16 to take off!

Check out the massive mosquitoes on Butter!

Here is a random sampling of other fun and activities that kept us busy and relaxed.


  1. Oh such fun....I wish we had a cabin and lake in Iowa that we could share with you! Papa and Gramma Mousel

  2. gotta love the pic with the baby butt cheek showing!

    Aunt Amy
