Saturday, October 22, 2011

12 Weeks, Baby 2

So here we are 12 weeks into the pregnancy of Baby 2 and slowly, but surely I am feeling a little better each day. The start to this pregnancy was much harder than the last. There may be many reasons: the heart of my first trimester fell at the exact timing of school starting back up (I can honestly say this has been the hardest start to the school year for me yet); I was feeling nauseous most of the day unlike the first time where it was just at night; and pregnancy exhaustion takes on a whole new meaning with an 18 month old running around. The bright side is that I can tell the end of the first trimester is coming soon as I am now only feeling icky similar to the same time of day as when I was pregnant with Isabel...evening. Since this pregnancy has felt quite different so far, I am leaning towards this one being a boy right now, but with my love of surprises we will wait until May 2 (or around there) to find out. Put on your patience hats we are in for the long haul!

12-week careful the shadow can be a little deceiving;
however, comparing to the first pregnancy I look pretty darn close to 16 weeks.

Our 12-week appointment was short and sweet just as it should be as everything looked great. My normal OB was not in so we saw someone else, who we hadn't seen before. We have now seen all the OBs in the clinic except one, which is nice come delivery time when you never now who will end up catching the little peanut. As with Isabel, we could not hear the heartbeat so another quick visit to the ultrasound machine showed a healthy little babe. Hopefully, the notes Isabel left for Baby 2 are not too clear as we would love to hear the heartbeat of this little one sooner rather than later, like before 20 weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Looking great, Kati!

    Sarah Kleinwolterink
