Thursday, December 1, 2011

16 Weeks, Baby 2

Since I am now 18 weeks, I thought it would be a good time to finish up this post I started a week and half a ago about being 16 weeks!!

We hit the 16-week marker with little peanut #2! The doctor appointment went well and we even got to hear the heartbeat (4 weeks earlier than with Isabel; however, most people get to hear the heartbeat by around 12 weeks). Baby's heart rate was 140bpm, which is very similar to what Isabel's was most of her pregnancy. I am still growing quickly and measuring much bigger at this point on this journey, but I don't mind it as long as it evens out eventually! Other than the utter exhaustion that so nicely disappeared the first time around once I hit the second trimester but definitely not this time,this mama is feeling much better.

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