Sunday, December 4, 2011

Goodbye Fall, Hello Winter!

 Because of our gorgeous and unseasonably warm fall, our yard clean-up didn't get completely done until the weekend before Thanksgiving. We tried to have a little fun while doing our work; unfortunately, Mama missed the smiles and Isabel was ready to be done playing. Nonetheless...

Isabel was such a help decorating the Christmas Tree! However, she will probably be a better help when it comes time to take the tree down. Look closely at the finished tree and you will see we have a very top heavy tree this year!

Last winter, we had record amounts of snow (as if you don't remember) and every time we went outside Isabel would giggle just a little in pure delight...she might have been born during the most mild and beautiful spring, but she truly is a winter babe at heart. She got her first literal taste of snow the other night and had we not stopped her, she would have cleared off the patio. Looks like Dada has a "shoveling" partner this winter!

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