Sunday, January 8, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas was wonderful this year even with the lack of snow! We celebrated Christmas Eve and most of Christmas Day with the Hoen side of the family, we had a fun Christmas morning opening gifts from Santa, and on New Years Eve celebrated with the Mousel side of the family. Isabel loved opening gifts...most times more excited about getting the wrapping off than worrying about what was inside. Here's a quick pictorial look at our Christmas.
December 24, 2011
Showing Ethan the ropes for his first Christmas
Opening gifts from Santa
December 31, 2011
Isabel also celebrated Christmas at Barbie's with a visit from Santa and gifts from Santa, Barbie, and a friend from daycare. We have yet to scan those in, but will soon. Until then, though, here are a couple photos of Isabel the morning before...very excited for her party!
We hope your Holiday season was full of family, memories, joy, and merry cheer! Wishing all of you a 2012 filled with many blessings!

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