Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cycling 2011

2011 was a great year on the bike.  I road several new events, began commuting via bike several times a week, added a new bike to the stable and logged more miles than ever before.  Here is a look back on my year on the bike:

  • 1,622 miles (608 more miles than I have ever ridden)
    • Surly Crosscheck: 1,225
    • Salsa Big Mama: 234
    • Salsa Mukluk: 103
    • Marin Muirwoods 29er: 60
  • 818 commuter miles (Roughly $455 in vehicle savings and an immeasureable amount of stress relief by not sitting in traffic)
  • Longest ride 105 miles
  • Hottest temperature: 105°
  • Coldest temperature: 15°
  • Races 3: (Ironman Gran Fondo, Murphy Menace 5-0, Chequamegon 40)
  • Mountain Biking Legends Met: 1 (Gary Fisher)
  • Crashes: A lot, luckily none too serious
  • Numerous Burley/Family bike rides
  • $1,600: The amount of money you all helped me raise on the MS150.  THANK YOU!
  • Top moments: The final downhill at Chequamegon, finishing the Ironman Gran Fondo in horrible weather conditions after an hour plus delay helping a rider that crashed and needed medical attention, Isabel taking to her Strider, & family bike rides.
  • Lowlights: Chequamegon "Up/Downs" after Firetower; and 10 miles into Le Sueur, the half way point of the Ironman, battling a 25 mph headwind & averaging about 8 miles per hour. 
  • And finally the best moment of all.  Landing a job with Freewheel!  I still can't believe I actually work for Freewheel and get to work in an industry that is also my hobby.  I have never been happier at work and I can honestly say that I look forward to Mondays.
I am looking forward to a new year of cycling, setting a new personal mileage best as well as adding some new events to my calendar.  I have some things in mind and I will just have to see how it all pans out.

Keep the rubber side down!

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