Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gears and Loathing in Las Shako

This past Saturday was the 2nd annual fall cruiser bicycle ride sponsored by the SBC (Suburbia Bicycle Club). This years theme, Gears and Loathing in Las Shako, was losely based on Hunter S Thompson's book, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. 17 residents of Shakopee, and 2 residents of Mt. Holly, decended on the fine establishment of Turtles at 4:20 pm to kick the extradordinary event off.

The first surprise of the event was the unvailing of event t-shirts that SBC member Paul De Geest, aka "Big Nut", had made up.

Riders enjoyed a few cocktails at Turtles to ensure everyone was adequately hydrated for the grueling ride that was in front of us.

Upon departing Turtles, we headed out on the Memorial Park Trail for a nice leisurely ride to Kelly's house for the first official stop of the Gonzo Ride.

That lovely rider in red up ahead is my wonderful pregnant wife who put up with the shenanigans that go along with a cruiser ride, which is basically just an excuse for a bunch of weirdos to get together and drink. She did wonderfully and once again her bike stole the show.

Kelly's stop provided participants with Gonzogria, a homemade Sangria, fresh salsa & the first Dumm Raffle of the evening.

After rehydrating and refueling we were off to the KC Hall to help support the local economy...and, as it turned out, to crash a wedding.

Peanuts, popcorn, Euchre and a run in with Bridezilla were the hightlights of the KC Hall and then we were off to pitstop 3, Marla's house.

"ChoppaMama" provided a SBC favorite: PBR's! And the first accident of the ride was encountered. Nobody fell off their bike attempting bike stunts this time, but a couch turned out not to be worth the $5 investment...

Bike lights were mounted and the riders were off to stop number 4 hosted by James & Suz.

I had gotten tired of my saddle moving around on my bike so I decided to do a little wrenching on it to tighten it up. Well, that turned out to be a bad idea. Instead of tightening the bolt I snapped it right off. That left me saddleless for the remainder of the ride. Good thing it was downhill to stop 5 at our house where we treated our Gonzo guests to Strip and Go Nakeds. Our drink of choice must have be a big hit because the jug we had prepared was gone quickly.

Kati decided she was done being the babysitter and called it a night as the rest of the Gonzo crew headed to the booming metropolis of Mt Holly where we were greated by Moscow Mules, Beer, Bubble Gum & Pinball. Pretty much the perfect way to cap off the official part of Gears and Loathing in Las Shako.

So SBC ride #3 was a huge success. Thanks to all the hosts and special thanks to Adam for planning the event. Can't wait for the next ride. Until then, GONZO- watch out for the bats!


  1. This sounds like too much fun. I love it.

  2. Great re-cap of the events! It truly was an awesome time, despite the recovery process the next day- ugh.
