Monday, November 30, 2009

Are You Having a Boy or a Girl?!

Even though we could have found out on Friday, Butter and I stayed strong and did not find out if we are having a boy or a girl. The ultrasound was a little anti-climatic, sad to say; not because we didn't find out, but because the ultrasound tech needs to work a little on her bed-side manner. In short she mumbled just about the whole hour and didn't give us much in terms of what she was doing when. It was incredible, however, to spend a whole hour with our little Mufasa watching all the movement, hearing the heartbeat (albeit no more than 3 seconds), and getting some pretty neat pictures. Again, not the best as we don't have a scanner, but I have them in a little album in my purse so if I see you soon all you need to do it ask.

Baby Mufasa says: "I'm so funny!"

Profile Picture: "Hmm, where should I hide the next time they try and hear my heartbeat?"

Fingers: "Excellent"

Bottom of baby's feet: Dad says, "Looks like Mufasa has catcher's speed."

This is one of the 3-D pictures...a little scary right away, but if you look closely you can see Mufasa's eyelids, nose, and mouth along with his/her hands up by the mouth. I think Mufasa looks so snugly.

At the end of the ultrasound, the tech simply said, "Ok, that's it. You can wipe the gel off your belly and your doctor will go over the results with you." I wanted to respond with, "Really?! That is all you can say?!" But instead I simply asked, "So everything seems healthy?" Her response, "Unless I missed something." Needless to say, Butter and I walked out a little befuddled.

Today, though, everything was cleared up when we found out that little Mufasa is a healthy, growing baby. Our doctor said everything checked out normal. According to measurements, we are just about right on schedule. I still think that my due date is a tad early; it's not that I am going to want to stay pregnant longer, but only 5% of babies come on their expected date of arrival so I have a pretty good chance of being right on this.

Right now, baby Mufasa is in the 44th percentile which I am thinking is a good percentile to be in...I come from a family of very big babies! The only thing I need to do a little more research on is the placenta placement. The doctor said I have an anterior placenta, which means the placenta is positioned in the front of the baby. The doctor didn't seem too concerned about this other than we won't be able to feel those little kicks as soon from the outside as I am feeling plenty of movement.

So that wraps up all the happenings of week 20. Our next appointment is at the end of December for our 24 week check-up followed by our 28 week check-up and the routine gestational diabetes test.

PS Grandma Mousel finished the quilt for the nursery and it is beautiful! With winter coming up right around the corner, Butter will be starting all those honey-do projects very soon then we should have some fun nursery pictures to post. For those impatient folks here are some really before pictures of the nursery. Enjoy!


  1. Cute pics! Glad to hear Baby looks good! I have an anterior placenta, too, and started seeing my stomach move about a week and a half ago (I think I would have seen it earlier if I would have been watching for it). So hopefully you'll be seeing it soon!

  2. Love the updates. It is a wonderful way to keep up on Mufasa's mom and dad:) Tori is very curious about how you came up with Mufasa! We are thinking we could come up with something a little more cute and cuddly:) I am sure Butter is the one that influenced the naming of your bundle. Our hope is that he doesn't influence the choosing of the real name!!!! Sorry Butter, I know you are related but that only gets you so far:) Thanks for sharing, the Pearsons

  3. "I'm soooo funny!" Haha! I totally "get" Mufasa. That tech sounds whack, though, "in case I missed something?"!! Jebus!! Sounds like you kept your cool. Of course you would because you are cool. I'm not drunk. Love you guys!

  4. My blogroll (the lazy way of checking for new posts) has not shown an update from the Mousels in over a month! I just got caught up on all the great reading and developments. Sorry I missed all the great pictures but now I feel more connected to your beautiful babe, especially after the tummy rub! :)


  5. Beautiful baby! Looks like s/he takes after her momma!

