Monday, December 28, 2009

Can you feel that?

Last night I finally felt a definitive kick from Baby Mufasa! This came after several weeks of quick hand grabs and assurances by Kati that "they are getting stronger." Mufasa seemed to be voicing her/his opinion as Kati was researching breast pumps. The first brand she researched was not getting very good reviews on-line so she switched over to another brand which was receiving much better reviews. I think little Mufasa could hear Kati reading them and was resoundingly giving her/his seal of approval as well. Not only did we get several kicks that made Kati's belly and my hand move but we also got a couple of head butts. It was a very cool development and well worth the wait.

We had another doctor's appointment today and everything continues to be good. Mufasa has run out of hiding spots so we no longer have to sweat it out when the Dr. listens for the heartbeat, which came in at a strong 150 beats a minute.

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