Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting Called Out

Kati hasn't done it yet, so I will. It is time to check in on my New Years Resolutions and admittedly I am slacking a bit. Here is a look...

1) Lose 30lbs: As of the end of January I had lost a whopping 3 lbs. I have not weighed myself since, nor have I hardly worked out. I did log approximately 230 miles on the trainer in January though.

2) Get a physical: Nothing scheduled yet.

3) Putting my clothes away: Grade: C+, the clothes still sit on the love seat too long.

4) Ride 100 miles in the Ironman: I am registered and I managed to talk Scottie O into suffering with me.

5) 10 Laps at the Salsa 24: I am going on record to say this is my top goal of the year. All of the boring training hours have to be good for something...

6) Ride 1,500 miles: In order to complete 10 laps at Afton, this should be a cakewalk and outdoor riding season is getting closer everyday.

7) Change 1 dirty diaper: Hmm, maybe I will just skip this one!

8) Read at least 1 book a month: This is the one resolution I am sticking to. So far I have read Where Men Win Glory, Touching The Void, Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies and Why and Generation of Swine.

9) Do dishes every other day: Grade: B. I have kept up with the dishes pretty well so far and Kati has also done them quite often, which if you know her at all you know how much she hates doing dishes!

10) Become a good dad: As far as I can tell, the only thing you have to do after you bring a baby home is sit and stare at them. I don't think this one will be a problem at all!

Stupid resolutions!


  1. I'm thinking a dish washer would be a very nice push present... ;)

  2. What? Kati doesn't like to do dishes?! She always loved to do them at Chubby's. ;)
